
The Biggest Enemy of Cheems


Once upon a time, a character known as Firecrab ventured into our Discord, harboring big dreams of making a mark in the crypto world. Full of curiosity, he inquired about CHEEMS, but his journey was fraught with challenges.

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The Discord was overrun with trolls who didn't like the bad vibe Firecrab was transmitting, inebriated folks, and people too absorbed in their dealings to care. Amidst this chaos, Firecrab faced not only indifference but also direct insults from the community members.

Disheartened, he got kicked from the group, but not before delivering a prophecy that would echo across the globe, carried on the lips of countless witnesses:

October 29, 2021

This incident led to CHEEMS being dubbed the most toxic community of 2021 on Solana.

Became a copy pasta Firecrab as a meme

He even became a card in Cheems Arena Firecrab card

Since then, the Cheems community is no longer considered the most toxic community on Solana. The community has matured and likes to jokingly call itself "the most retarded community."